Lease/Hire/Rental Company Enquiries
This service is for BVRLA members only.
If you are a Lease/Hire/Rental company and require an update/information regarding a customer’s Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN) or refund, please use this form. It is password protected, please obtain the password from the BVRLA (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association) by emailing This form is not for use for lease/hire/rental company customers.
Lease/Hire/Rental Company Authorisation Process for Customer Appeals and Communication
Open to all Lease/Hire/Rental Companies.
When an Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN) is issued, it is mandatory that we send it to the registered keeper of the vehicle. This is most often the lease/hire/rental company. So that Tyne Tunnels can consider an appeal or enquiry from a customer of a lease/hire/rental company, the company must provide Tyne Tunnels with an authority to do so. Lease/Hire/Rental companies (only) should complete this form to enable customers to enquire or appeal about their UTCN. Until this form has been completed, Tyne Tunnels are not authorised to discuss a UTCN with the customer.
We will accept individual letters of authorisation, however we encourage companies to provide us with blanket authorisation. This will reduce the administration for the company. It will also reduce the timeframe we can provide the refund to the customer if required.
Lease/Hire/Rental Customer and Company Appeals Process
Open to all Lease/Hire/Rental Companies.
Once the authorisation process has been completed by a lease/hire/rental company, any customer can appeal directly via this link. The response to the appeal will be sent to both the customer and the lease/hire/rental company.
If authority is not granted, then the customer should speak with their lease/hire/rental company to appeal on their behalf. This appeal should be submitted also via this link. The outcome of the appeal would only be disclosed to the lease/hire/rental company; however, they can share this information with the customer at their own will.