Pay or Appeal an Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN)
Make a payment or appeal your Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN)
How does Pay Later Work?
With the introduction of our Pay Later option, Tyne Tunnels is no longer taking card payments or giving change at the point of passage (the change machine will still be available at the lay-by). Card payments can instead be made via the Pay Later option.
Tyne Tunnels always recommends that you pay for your journey as soon as possible, although we do allow payments until the end of day on the day after your journey. Failure to make a payment by this deadline will result in an Unpaid Toll Charge Notice being issued.
Simply input the information found on your Pay Later Schedule Of Charge – along with your billing details – and your payment will be confirmed.
At the Tolls
- Approach any toll booth as usual, using any non Pre-Paid lane.
- Press the green button and wait for the Schedule of Charge to be printed.
- Take the Pay Later (Schedule Of Charge) and keep it somewhere safe – you’ll need this later to pay.
- Once the barriers lift, you can continue your journey.
Make a payment for a journey you’ve already made
Make a PaymentWhat is an Unpaid Toll Charge Notice?
If you’ve failed to pay the required toll by the stated deadline, or you’ve failed to comply with the in-lane traffic signals, this will result in an Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN) being issued.
If Tyne Tunnels doesn’t receive your toll payment before the deadline stated, we will contact the DVLA to request the name and address of the registered keeper of the vehicle. The UTCN will then be issued to the contact provided.
Pay Later (Schedule of Charge) and UTCN Timeline
Charges will be applied for failure to pay by the time and date stated on your Pay Later (Schedule of Charge)
1. Payment
2. UTCN Produced
3. Reminder Letter
4. Final Notice
5. Case moved to 3rd party collection agency
TT2 always recommend you pay for your journey as soon as possible although we do allow up until midnight the day after your journey to make payment.
Here are your options for payment:
- Pre-Paid account
- Pay for Passage
- PayPoint
- Phone (IVR)
If you do not pay the toll before the end of the payment window, an Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN) will be produced once details of the registered keeper are received from DVLA.
Breakdown of Charges: (£30 Charge + Toll)
If the UTCN is not paid within 14 days, a reminder letter will be produced on the 15th day and sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle.
Breakdown of Charges: (£60 Charge + Toll)
If payment is not made in the 14 days after the reminder letter is produced, a final notice will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle.
Breakdown of Charges: (£100 Charge + Toll)
If payment is not made within 14 days of the final notice being produced, the case will move away from TT2 control to a 3rd party collection agency.
Breakdown of Charges: (£100 Charge, TT2) + (£75 max. Charge, Collection Agency) + Toll
The following charges will apply to late payments:
- £30 (in addition to the original toll fee, if paid in full within 14 days of the date of notice)
- £60 (in addition to the original toll fee, if paid in full within 28 days of the date of notice)
Please note: failure to pay an unpaid toll charge in full within 28 days of the date of the notice will incur a charge of £100 (in addition to the original toll charge). This will be pursued via an external third-party debt collection agency or legal team and, if necessary, will be recovered through a UK court. All associated expenses incurred as a result will be applied, in addition to your original toll fee and UTCN charge.
Making an appeal
All representations (appeals) to TT2 must be made via our appeals portal or in writing by post to the address printed on the UTCN Letter. The easiest and quickest way to appeal is by using our online appeals portal which will then automatically place your Unpaid Toll Charge Notice (UTCN) on hold whilst your appeal is being reviewed. If your appeal is denied the charge level and time period will be resumed.
Please note we do not accept appeals via email or social media.